"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."


Hi, my name is Joe. 

This journey began with a simple idea: applying Game Theory concepts and strategies from an online poker career to life itself, with the aim of figuring out life.

In poker, where information is incomplete or uncertain, having more information allows for better decision-making. Better decisions, in turn, contribute to increased profitability. Easy game. 

Driven by this notion, I dug into the wisdom of the world’s brightest minds, health experts, and peak performers. The result? A comprehensive guide to life, integrating key concepts for better decision-making and, ultimately, solving the game of life.

However, what unfolded was the realization that life isn’t a problem that needs to be solved. There are no problems, only experiences. If you view these experiences in the right way, you will transcend them and become completely free of them.
This doesn’t mean that problems will not come to you, but you will no longer see them as problems. When you have a problem, look at yourself. The problem comes from you and can be eradicated by you. You are the solution to everything.

The key to start lies in giving undivided attention to the present moment. Life, in its essence, can only happen now.

This website serves as a compass on your journey, offering a simple guide and resources rooted in the wisdom of non-dual understanding and Self-realization. By being present and turning inward, you’ll embrace an authentic and harmonious life.

It emphasizes the benefits of a healthy mind and body in daily living, covering all aspects of healthy lifestyle habits. The goal is to assist you in finding what suits you best and is sustainable for the long-term.

Digging deeper, you’ll discover that the ancient teachings of Yogis and Eastern wisdom are the foundations for mastering the art of living. These time-tested principles guide you towards lasting peace and happiness. True fulfillment isn’t found in external sources but within yourself.

This guide is a blueprint for your own journey, exploring the depths of your authentic self and uncovering the path to genuine and lasting satisfaction. The ultimate pursuit of all desires is the pursuit of happiness, and it begins from within.

A lot of people deserve credit for this website. If any of these teachers resonate with you, give them a follow to learn more and support their work. 

It’s 100% free. Hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. 

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"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."