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Daily: July 3, 2020

Amor Fati — Love of Fate

Posted by Joe on 03 07 2020. 0 Comments

The idea of ‘amor fati’ is to love and embrace whatever the outcome is; no matter how hard we work towards a certain
The idea of ‘amor fati’ is to love and embrace

Know When To Quit – The Sunk Cost Fallacy

Posted by Joe on 03 07 2020. 0 Comments

People demonstrate “a greater tendency to continue an endeavor once an investment in money, effort, or time has been
People demonstrate “a greater tendency to

What’s Your Personality Type?

Posted by Joe on 03 07 2020. 0 Comments

The Enneagram of Personality is a system used by numerous mental health professionals to get more insight into
The Enneagram of Personality is a system used by