

The Power of a Positive “No”

How to Say "No' With Grace

Power of a Positive “No” | Productivity Principle

Video by Productivity Game

Free 1-Page PDF Summary Worksheet

We all have moments where we say Yes to requests when wed rather say NO and that’s because we know what it’s like to hear no from others. 

These small sacrifices add up and if we aren’t careful they can end up taking up most of our time. e become busy trying to help others achieve their goals and we forget to achieve our own. 

There is a way to say no to personal requests and make time for yourself to achieve important personal goals that doesn’t have to make people feel rejected. 

The Positive No

YES: the first yes is a statement of what you value and what you stand for. A clear personal priority that you have. An interest that you want to protect.

NO: matter of fact statement. You’re pointing out the conflict you have, and you’re forming a logical response based on your Yes you’ve just provided. It usually starts with …because of that…or…for that reason.

YES? is a way of showing that you still care. It’s an offer to help out in some other way. Maybe rejecting the request, but you aren’t rejecting them as a person. With this Yes, you’re trying to open up a discussion for how you can still help solve their problems, but with less of a time commitment on your part. 

Saying your Positive NO, is like the growth of a tree. 

  • The roots are your personal foundation of values and priorities. The root of who you are and what i s most important to you. 
  • The trunk is your NO. A solid statement that grows from your initial Yes. 
  • And the Branches and leave are all the other opportunities to help this person in a small way.

The positive No prevents people form treating you like a doormat, walking all over your time and your goals, but it also helps you from being an ass and damaging personal relationships. 

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