

How to Batch Your Tasks

Having multiple batch buckets helps you defer items until the time is just right, allowing you to empty a batch bucket all at once.

Video by Productivity Game 

Free 1-Page PDF Worksheet Summary 

Batch Buckets a place where action items go until you are in the proper mode or context to empty them and complete them all at one time. 

  • Context only a select few actions are relevant given the current situation.

Each one of us experiences a different mental mode during the day 

If you learn to defer actions until you’re in the optimal mode an context by placing those actions in specific batch lists. Instead of your general to-do list, you’ll reduce the anxiety that comes with the daunting to-do list and maximize your efficiency. 

Batch Bucket Examples: 

  • Mindless Work important, but mundane tasks. i.e. answering emails, cleaning, formatting documents, paying bills. Empty this buck when you’re easily distracted and energy is low. Don’t worry about the mindless stuff until thats all you’re willing to do.
  • Deep Work this bucket includes tasks that require intense focus and critical thinking. i.e. writing, designing, studying or solving problems. Empty this bucket when your energy is at its highest and less likely to be distracted. (morning) This ensures using time effectively and not waste time doing an important tasks during low focus times when likely to take twice as long to complete it. 
  • Calls whenever you need to make your phone calls. Could be during commute time. 
  • Groceries & Errands empty the bucket when you desperately need an item and check the rest off during that time. 
  • Browsing your watching or viewing of youtube videos, movies, entertainment etc 
  • General Bucket action items that do not fit into these categories go uno the general bucket to-do list. But since you have items on the other lists, your general to-do list isn’t daunting anymore, 

Having multiple batch buckets helps you defer items until the time is just right, allowing you to empty a batch bucket all at once. This mazes the weight of your to do list and maximizes the effectiveness of your time by doing similar tasks at the same time. 

When you come across actions ask yourself what bucket can I put this in and get to later?

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