

Are You Fully Charged?

The Three Keys to Energizing Your Work & Life

Drawing on the latest and most practical research from business, psychology, and economics, this book focuses on changes we can make to create better days for ourselves and others. 

Are You Fully Charged? will challenge you to stop pursuing happiness and start creating meaning instead, lead you to rethink your daily interactions with the people who matter most, and show you how to put your own health first in order to be your best every day.

Are You Fully Charged? Animated Summary

By Productivity Game

Key Takeaways

When you are fully charged, you get more done. You have better interactions, your mind is sharp, and your body is strong. Three core conditions which differentiate days when we were fully charged, to typical days. The three conditions involve meaning, interactions and energy.

Meaning making the connections between what you do and how it benefits others. 

Interactions creating far more positive ones than negative ones. 

Energy making choices that improve your mental and physical health.

We don’t need to do grand things in each of these areas to  get that well-being each day. No need to change the world everyday. No need to find new friends everyday. And you don’t need to run a marathon everyday. The biggest changes for your daily well-being start with a few small steps. 

One small steps to search for meaning throughout your day.  Meaning doesn’t just happen to you. You create it. One of the most important elements of building a great career and life is attaching what you do each day, to a broader mission. Until you understand how your efforts contribute to the world, you’re simply going through the motions each day. 

The best way to create meaning in your life is to do so gradually. To do something each day that will impact the lives of others in a small way. Give yourself reminds throughout the day to reflect on images of who you’re helping. 

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