

5 Effortless Productivity Hacks

By investing 5 minutes to set these up, you'll easily save up to 5,000 minutes in the long-run.

Here are 5 effortless productivity hacks you can use to save time. They have a ‘set-and-forget’ nature, so once you’ve set them up, you barely need to do anything else. 

Video by OnePercentBetter.

Key Takeaways

Lesson 1: Increase Mouse Sensitivity

Takes 30 seconds to change and can save countless hours over the long-term presuming you click and move a mouse hundreds of times a day the productivity gains add up. The higher the sensitivity, the longer it will take for you to adapt, but the more time you’ll save in the long run. 

Lesson 2: Facebook Newsfeed Eradicator

Disable your Facebook newsfeed and replace it with Success quotes. If you find yourself mindlessly consuming status updates of friends complaining about petty things, then this extension is a game changer. 

Lesson 3: Momentum

Go to Momentum browser extension. You can customize it to your liking

Lesson 4: StayFocused App

This app is a Facebook newsfeed eradicator, except you can choose to block any website in the world for a period of time. For 90 minutes, you can block every website except the one you are using for your task. This will save you tons of time procrastinating, searching other videos on YouTube etc 

Lesson 5: F.lux

An app that will eliminate blue light on electronics which blue light interfere with melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycles. iPhone has nightshift mode which is essentially the same thing. 

Lesson 6: Thumbzone Wallpaper

This wallpaper shows how easy it is for your thumbs to tap areas on your phone screen. By placing your most frequently used apps in the green areas, you can save time and effort by making them more accessible with an app you don’t use as often. 

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