

Ways to Improve Your Memory

Practical Techniques and Exercises to Improve Your Memory

Learn to Remember is an expertly written guide to enhancing and improving your memory.

It begins with a detailed, easy-to-understand explanation of how memory works, covering long-term, short-term, and suppressed memory, as well as storage, retention, and recollection.

By following various tried-and-tested methods and the step-by-step exercises, readers can train their memories to be more effective at expanding range and improving accuracy and efficiency.

In this video, you’ll learn about the loci memory method (memory palace technique), mnemonics, and a range of other memorization techniques that competitors use at the world memory championships.

Learn To Remember Video by OnePercentBetter

Key Takeaways

Lesson 1: 3 Principles For Amazing Memory 

PRINCIPLE 1: Imagination according to Aristotle, memory and imagination are strongly linked. Imagination uses both sides of the brain which will improve your memory. Incorporating the 5 senses into your visualizations will help. The 3 strongest memory senses are vision, sound and smell. Sense experiences aren’t always enough and require imagination. The more bizarre the images, the more retrievable it will be.

PRINCIPLE 2: Association a mental link between two different things. Many associations occur naturally and spontaneously. You can consciously make associations to boost your memory power. This is a great technique for remembering names. It can be difficult, but try your best and get creative. 

PRINCIPLE 3: Location what do you do when you lose your keys? Most people retrace their steps. Studies show that people who spent the day traveling are especially accurate in recalling the sequence of the events in the day. The locations we find ourselves in serve as a mental framework that helps us remember. 

LESSON 2: 4 Powerful Memory Techniques

TECHNIQUE 1: Mnemonics a device that helps us to remember. Word based mnemonics like acronyms and rhymes are a common way to help recall information. Although it has been criticized as a technique that doesn’t help you understand the information you’re memorizing. Rhymes are another the of mnemonic.  

TECHNIQUE 2: Story Method the idea is to create a story that links together items. Make your story interesting by using your imagination. By making items more vivid and imagining sounds and smells items make, the more you will cement them into your mind. 

TECHNIQUE 3: Loci Method this is perhaps the most powerful technique because it combines the 3 major principles of memory: imagination, association, location. The method is based on a familiar mental route or memory palace that includes a number of stages to act as anchors for the items we need to remember. 

Imagine a familiar route you take in real life (this is your memory palace) and then use different stages as anchors along the route to remember the items. 

TECHNIQUE 4: Dominic System this system can be extremely effective when it comes to recalling large numbers or memorizing a deck of randomly shuffled playing cards. This system works by seeing numbers as images because images are easier to remember. Images of people work best.

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