What are you passionate about? You’re told these five words hold the key to a successful career and life purpose. What if it’s the wrong question altogether?
Stop Searching For Your Passion
Terri Trespicio
Key Takeaways
Passion isn’t a plan, it’s a feeling. You can be passionate about one thing one minute and another thing the next. You don’t create your life first and then live it, you create your life by living it. This idea that everything you’re supposed to do should fit into this passion vertical is unrealistic. Success fuels passion more than passion fuels success.
Don’t wait for passion to show up and instead spend your time and attention towards solving problems. Looking for problems that need solving. Be useful and generous and when your energy and effort meets someone else’s needs, that’s when you realize passion lives.
Passion is not a job, sport or hobby. It is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is right in front of you and if you’re so busy looking for this passion, you could miss opportunities that change your life, including love.
That’s what happens when you have tunnel vision looking for the ‘one.’ It’s ok not to know because the most fulfilling careers and relationships are those that have the power to still surprise you.