

7 Secrets to Turbocharge Your Brain

New scientific evidence that you literally can think your brain smarter and healthier.

Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD, debunks long-standing beliefs about what smart is and shares proven strategies to expand your brain span to more closely match the ever-increasing human lifespan.

“Our brain can do so many things we aren’t doing. You are the driver and the mechanic of the most powerful engine in the whole world. Take these 7 secrets and supercharge your brain because, without brain health, you do not have health.”  –Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D

Flex Your Cortex- 7 Secrets to Turbocharge your Brain

Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph. D

Key Takeaways

1. Single Task concentrate on one task at a time. The brain is not wired to do two things that require effort simultaneously at a time. Single task and see a significant increase in mental productivity.

2. Inhibit information don’t be distracted by all of the information out there, too much is bad. Learn to take in the essential and what to block out and inhibit

3. Detox Distractions eliminate distractions, don’t let technology control you.

4. Big Idea Thinking take in ideas from disparate areas and combine it with the knowledge that you already have and form some generalized higher level of thinking. Take an idea and synthesize what you already know. Interpret the message, what does the bottom line mean? Powerhouse transformative communication. What makes your memory, thinking and learning the most robust.

5. Calibrate how much mental effort on things. Don’t spend too much time on things that should be done quickly and focus mental energy on the important tasks.

6. Innovation our brains are wired to be inspired from young to late life. Every day it likes to create something new. When you start thinking, innovating your brain fires on all cylinders.

7. Motivation always trumps talent. Take tasks you don’t like and try innovate. Motivation injects the most powerful neurotransmitter dopamine, which makes us happier and increases the speed of learning. Fuel that makes the impossible, possible.

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